Are we eating too much?

I’ve been wanting to introduce this topic for quite some time. It’s spring and its time to clean out my closet again and get rid of the excess “stuff”. I know a few of you are giggling with me right now. I am serious this time. Clean out your closet, get rid of those fb friends, who by the way aren’t your “real” friends anyhow and just lighten the load šŸ™‚
Most of my posts are centered around food and recipes and well, eating, naturally. This one is about eating less. I happened upon this program that speaks to a few of those benefits. (see below)
I will caution you that some of what you’ll see is extreme. There are easier ways to fast and one can fast without feeling hungry.
I myself am no stranger to Intermittent fasting. Over the years I’ve tried various kinds of fasting, (some call it cleansing) with varied success. I haven’t necessarily thought about weight loss as the outcome but more so, the added energy. At first, the idea of fasting seems daunting, especially because you will want to carry on with your normal day of training whether its Crossfit or otherwise.
As your body adapts, and it will, and as you allow the process to do its work, giving your digestive system a rest, you will find that you have more energy. And who doesn’t want more energy?
And that’s not all. There are a host of other health benefits associated with intermittent fasting. Click on the link below to watch (Eat, fast and live longer with Michael Mosley)
Let me know what you think.
In my next post I will discuss how you can incorporate daily fasting for added energy and better performance during exercise.